Meeting With the Funeral Home
Within the first few hours after a death has taken place, you will need to arrange a meeting with our staff at the funeral home to begin the final arrangements. This will be a difficult time for you and your loved ones. The funeral home staff will be there to guide and direct you in making decisions which will help make this difficult time a much easier for you.
Who Will Go With You?
One decision that will need to be made when a death has taken place, is who will go with you to the funeral home. Do you have a few family members or a very close friend who may accompany you to the funeral home?
Who Will Make the Decisions?
Decisions will have to be made, you may find the details challenging but not impossible. The funeral home staff will help you in providing the answers to questions you may have. They will help you understand what is involved in planning a funeral and be there to support , guide and direct you in any way necessary.
Something you will need to think about is who will be making the decisions? Will it be you? or will it be someone else ? Are you the next of kin, are you the estate trustee, these people may or may not be different individuals, either way a strong attempt for one or the other or both to be involved in the funeral arrangement conference will be necessary.
Who Else is Involved in the Arrangements?
Does the deceased have children, friends, family that would like to be a part of arranging the funeral? Do you know how the deceased felt about funerals or what their final wishes were? You and your loved ones know the deceased best and your funeral home staff will work with you to help in honouring a life well lived.
Do you have the information gathered for the paperwork?
When a death occurs, it is a legal matter that requires paperwork. To better prepare yourself for the arrangement at the funeral home, it may be helpful to gather documents needed. Below are a list of documents needed when a death has taken place: please note the following list of documents are not all necessary at the funeral arrangement conference, but will become necessary in the next few days following.
Account Statements of the deceased
Life Insurance Policies
Beneficiary Designations
Deeds for Real Estate
Automobile and Boat Titles
Stock & Bond Certificates
Pre-nuptial Agreements
Post-nuptial Agreements
Copies of Bills (utility, cell phone etc.)
Last Will and Testament and any Codicils
Revocable Living Trust
Tax Returns